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Bridge-Lock® UV Slider

Bridge-Lock® UV Slider

Regular price $699.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $699.99 USD
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Right Handed
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1-pin Vertical

Manufactured in partnership with ULTRAVIEW, the new Mathews Genuine Bridge-Lock UV Slider offers a level of integration into your bow system that cannot be found with any other sight. This lightweight and minimalistic design weighing in at a mere 9 oz. is the lightest fully featured Bridge-Lock sliding sight on the market. Keeping streamlined ergonomics at the heart of this design, ULTRAVIEW’s patent pending DualDial makes this sight the smoothest and most user-friendly sliding sight in high pressure moments. New features include more durable and brighter pins wrapped in an impact resistant shield, a rechargeable and removable lighting system that brings focus to low light situations and HomeStop, a quick return to 20y feature for dynamic moments in the field. Available in three unique pin configurations including a new 5-pin design, this is the best sight ever built to be used on a Mathews.

*Compatible with LIFT X, LIFT RS, LIFT XD, LIFT, Phase4, Image, V3X, TITLE. Please select your dominant hand (hand you draw back with). 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 31 reviews
Brandon Sadler

Great product, as everyone claims all over the internet. Obviously, the price point isn't ideal. But overall, awesome product

Cole Cook

Everything you could ever ask for in a site. Definitely the easiest I’ve ever had to sight in on a bow

Where can I purchase spare Cartridges

I can’t seem to find where to pick up spare cartridges.

Jere Braman

I’m really enjoying my UV slider, it’s by far the best sight I’ve ever had. Easy to install and easy to use. I highly recommend it.

Best sight I’ve ever used.

Worth every penny.