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LIFT™X 29.5

LIFT™X 29.5

Regular price $1,359.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1,359.00 USD
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The 2025 LIFT X brings never before seen levels of tuning and customization to every bowhunter. Featuring our patented Limb Shift™ Technology (LST), the LIFT X allows archers to micro-adjust their tune with the simple turn of a wrench, no bow press needed. ARC7™ Limb Technology delivers the most durable and efficient limbs we have ever created and the all new BOND™ Grip System customizes the point of contact for every shooter. The LIFT X is the next expression in our pursuit of excellence and represents the pinnacle of archery technology. 

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Limb Shift Technology

Our patented Limb ShiftTM Technology (LST) is a first of its kind tuning system that allows the archer to micro-adjust the limb channel without the need for a bow press. By keeping the cam in a fixed position, Limb Shift Technology optimizes the limb balance and load within the limb channel, resulting in a more efficient and effective tune.

ARC7 Limb Technology

We’ve pioneered a new limb material and multi-step build process to ensure strength and consistency across the production line. The result is a completely new limb that is more durable and more efficient throughout the load sequence than any limb we have made to date.

BOND Grip System

After mapping the grips of hundreds of archers, the all-new BOND Grip System was born. Constructed from a durable polymer base, each BOND grip was engineered for superior ergonomics and features a textured rubber grip surface to enhance traction where you need it most.















Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Lift X 29.5 - Nothing short of phenomenal

It's been a long while since I even thought about upgrading my bow. Been rocking my ope Bear Motive 7 since 2013. Wow, have I been missing out! Hotswappes everything from my old bow, through on a peep and D loop and was ready to hunt within 12 arrows of zeroing in the sight. Groupings at 30 yards are quarter sized, 60 yards are around a 6 inch spread. I'm not a great shooter by any means, but man these things are just instantly deadly right out of manufacturing. Thanks for making such an accurate tool!

Eric Grant
Lead follow or move out of the way

I’ve been shooting Matthews since the beginning. I still have the original 3-D Hunter. I currently own the 29.5 lift and my 29 lift X is on order. Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison; This verse is a simple one, Genesis 27 -3 it has kept me going for many years. And has helped me obtain permission on more ground than I could ever hunt. Good book, great bow and a kind woman. Words to live bye. Take care and keep on keeping on.

Jeff Bigler
Favorite Mathews to date!

I’ve been a Mathews shooter for going on 20 years now, and the Lift X is my favorite bow to date. I loved the weight reduction that the original Lift brought to the table, now add in a better grip and the ability to quickly and easily limb tune that the Limb Shift tech allows, and you have a masterpiece. I wanted to try the bow at 80lbs to see how it felt, and I was so blown away by how smooth, easy drawing and how solid and stable the back wall was, I left it at 80. I picked up an additional 12fps while the bow stayed just as comfortable to shoot. I recommend this bow to anyone on the market for a new one.

Ice man
Lift X 29.5

I’ve been shooting Mathew’s since the LX.
I saw the new Lift X 29.5 coming on the market and decided to try one at the archery shop.
It was awesome to shoot.
I finally got a pattern on this buck due to the roller coaster season with most of them nocturnal.
I settled on the stand around 12:45 pm in a creek bottom.
I was countless deer come back and forth from across the creek but n shooters.
Around 3:30 pm I heard movement to my left and it sounded like a mature buck because they always take there time when moving from place to place.
Then again at 4:50 pm I heard it again but this time I seen antlers moving through the trees.
While sitting there I couldn’t stand up because the button buck was still there.
After the buck came in to around 26 yards with his head down I slowly stood up and grabbed my bow.
As I drew back and and anchored in he still had his head down.
I placed my single just above his knuckle on the shoulder and released.
That bow was so quiet that the buck never even flinched and the arrow hit right were I was aiming.
Since the vertix this is the 2nd bow that I harvested with a true no drop shot.
Simply amazing on how quiet my lift X 29.5 is.

Lionel green
Missing a pattern??

No optifade elevated ll 🤷‍♂️