Since the beginnings of Seek One, Lee and I were determined that our core values would always remain a top priority for us personally, and a key component of our mission. Our goals are simple but intentional; share our faith and aim to better the hunting community through our stories.
Over the years we have been able to approach these messages in many different ways, but one that has been growing over the past couple of years is our non-profit called The Venison Project. You may have seen one of our “Doemageddon” videos on Youtube where our team spends a few days in the Atlanta suburbs harvesting as many does as possible to donate the processed venison to local food banks and homeless shelters. The most recent event in January was the first time we have opened the idea to the public and invited wider participation. On Saturday night of the hunt weekend we hosted a deer drop-off at the Seek One headquarters and provided food and drinks for over 200 local hunters. It was awesome to spend time with people with a shared passion for urban hunting. The huge turn out created a camaraderie and “deer camp” style fellowship that is often missing in this style of urban hunting. The event harvest yielded over 700 pounds of processed venison donated to homeless shelters in downtown Atlanta. We were able to hand deliver the venison to the shelter and witness the impact that The Venison Project is having on the local community. The local news even picked up on the story this year; we were proud to share the story with a broader audience. You can watch the full news story here. Our first year opening this event to the public was extremely encouraging, and we are already planning ways to make a much larger impact during the 2024-25 season.

The idea for The Venison Project was born from our keen understanding of the overpopulation of deer in these urban areas. Combined with the overwhelming need for meat at these shelters and ministries, this idea is a way for us to use the platform we’ve been blessed with for good to support hunting as a lifestyle and share our faith with the community. We are currently in the first phase of The Venison Project, which is simply raising money through our brand partners and followers in order to pay for 100% of the processing during Doemageddon and other deer collection events. Phase 2 is opening a local donation point where hunters can drop off deer any time during the season. We are currently in the planning process of opening a physical location, and we hope to have this facility operational in 2025. We would love for more of the hunting community to get involved with The Venison Project or create their own events like this. If you are near our HQ in Roswell, GA and would like to be involved, please consider making a monetary donation through The Venison Project website, or by participating in the next deer drop-off event.

If you would like to investigate starting a program like this in your area, a bit of elbow grease and good will can go a long way. We suggest reaching out to your local food shelters or Salvation Army location to present the idea and build partnership. A few examples of local programs that might be in your area are:
Share The Harvest – Minnesota
Hunt For The Hungry – Wisconsin
HUSH – Iowa
Hunters Helping the Hungry – Nebraska
Hunters for the Hungry – Texas
Hunters Against Hunger – Montana
To stay up to date on Seek One’s events, please subscribe to The Venison Project newsletter and follow @seek1productions on Instagram.